

脚の手術を受けた患者にマッサージを施すMSFの理学療法士 © Hussein Amri/MSF
脚の手術を受けた患者にマッサージを施すMSFの理学療法士 © Hussein Amri/MSF

本プロジェクトに限らず6カ月以上の活動が可能な理学療法士の方は、必要書類をご準備のうえ、国境なき医師団日本 フィールド人事部採用担当までお送りください。

必要書類を国境なき医師団日本 フィールド人事部採用担当までお送りください。

Someone to do the assessment and implement the physio strategy of the project. As per project proposal:
1. Capacity building with Rehabilitation Services staff with the aim to improve recovering process of war wounded patients (manual techniques, early mobilization, to be further defined by Physiotherapist)
・Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation support to war wounded patients in Zakarpattia and Ivano Frankivsk region:
2. Training/capacity building by physiotherapist for staff in Rehabilitation Services taking care of war wounded patients with the aim to improve recovery process, and quality of life with optimal return towards Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) using the appropriate equipment, manual techniques and early mobilization (to be further defined by Physiotherapist).  Identified priority health facilities: (May adapt to context and capacities):
・Zakarpattia : Regional Hospital, City Hospital and Veteran Hospital. Request received to support in Railway Hospital - pending capacity.
・Ivano Frankivsk : Lysset Clinic (linked to Voluntary Clinic) and City Hospital
3. Donation of equipment for rehabilitation services:  Donations or physiotherapy equipment to Uzhhorod City, Veteran and Regional Hospital are requested and in motion, being further determined at capital and BCN level. 
4. MHPSS support (patients, staff, family of war wounded ….) to be included in the support in Rehabilitation Services.
5. Education package expanding further past physiotherapy/rehabilitation staff is recommended to include nursing and allied health professional due to immense needs, but education plan and implementation depend on capacity of MSF physiotherapy position.
6. Necessity to expand support also to facilities/clinics who provide physiotherapy and rehabilitation as outpatient service – also depending on MSF physiotherapist availability
7. Liaise and collaborate with other organizations to improve coverage of training and support to physiotherapy and rehabilitation services 
If you are interested, please send your CV (in English/ free form) to recruit@tokyo.msf.org






