Humanitarian Congress Tokyo 人道援助コングレス東京

Humanitarian Congress Tokyo 2024人道援助コングレス東京2024

Tackling the Crisis of Humanitarian Aid

April 23rd (Tue)
At Waseda University Nihonbashi Campus and Webinar /

April 24th (Wed), 25th(Thu)

Simultaneous interpretation available for webinars /
Co-hosted by MSF and ICRC /

Patients and people sheltering in Al Aqsa hospital. 29 November 2023, Gaza Strip ©MSF


We might stop registration before the Congress days, once the number of participants reaches the limit.

Registration for the hybrid session on April 23rd/ 4月23日ハイブリッドセッション申し込み
Registration for ONSITE participation at Waseda Univ Nihonbashi Campus on April 23rd4/23 早稲田大学日本橋キャンパスでの観覧申し込み 新しいウィンドウで開く

※This session will be held in Japanese. No simultaneous interpretation on site.

Notice on personal information for onsite participants

Registration for ONLINE participation on April 23rd4/23 オンライン参加申し込み 新しいウィンドウで開く

※This session will be held in Japanese. Simultaneous interpretation available for the webinar.

Registration for the online sessions on April 24th and 25th/ 4月24日.25日オンラインセッション申し込み
Registration for the online sessions on April 24th and 25th4/24.25 オンラインセッション申し込み 新しいウィンドウで開く

Notice on personal information and the use of Zoom for online participants


Humanitarian Congress Tokyo

The escalation of the Gaza-Israel conflict has caused a humanitarian crisis of unprecedented severity. Hostage-taking, daily air strikes on densely populated areas, civilian casualties due to sieges and attacks on hospitals are all against the rules of war, and the extremely limited delivery and distribution of humanitarian aid and medical care must be addressed at all cost.

Humanitarian challenges are more critical than ever around the world, not only in Gaza, but also in conflicts in Russia-Ukraine and Sudan. The number of refugees and internally displaced persons continues to rise due to the consequences of climate change and conflict. Despite aid agencies issuing numerous requests for additional funding from their respective donors, it is becoming increasingly difficult to raise funds to meet people’s growing humanitarian needs around the world. We are concerned countries are increasingly prioritizing national security, post-COVID19 financial recovery and political and strategic interests, while international cooperation and humanitarian response are being deprioritized as never before. In addition, in countries and regions in need of humanitarian assistance, there are serious situations where measures taken by governments and their military as well as international sanctions make it even more difficult for humanitarian organizations to reach people in need of support.

The theme for Humanitarian Congress Tokyo 2024 is: "Tackling the Crisis of Humanitarian Aid.” We’d like to deepen our understanding of the current situation in which humanitarian aid itself is threatened, and to examine what actions are needed to resolve the challenges.

The Humanitarian Congress Tokyo is primarily intended to promote dialogue among those involved in international cooperation (practitioners, policy makers, researchers, etc.). It also seeks to raise the attention and foster participation and actions of the private sector, the media, students studying in the field of international cooperation, and all people with a broad interest in humanitarian work. We are looking forward to having you online with us for the Humanitarian Congress Tokyo 2023.

About Humanitarian Congress Tokyo
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has established the "Humanitarian Congress Tokyo" since 2020 as a platform based in Japan to discuss various issues related to humanitarian aid, and has been organizing the event jointly with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) since 2021.






The Advisory Group


We will update the information on the Panelists and Moderators.

Professional titles omitted below

Opening & Hybrid Session

April 23rd (Tue) 17:00-18:45 (On site) /17:00-18:30 (Webinar)
At Waseda University Nihonbashi Campus and Webinar/
This session will be held in Japanese. Simultaneous interpretation available only for the webinar.

How Can We Tackle the Crisis of Humanitarian Aid?

Key note address/ Panelists:
Shoko Hanzawa, Head of Delegation in Japan, ICRC
Shinjiro Murata, General Director, MSF Japan

Tomoko Abe, Member of the House of Representatives
Ayaki Ito, Representative, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representation in Japan
Shinichi Yamaguchi, Associate professor, the Center for Global Communications, International University of Japan
Mizuka Tanikawa, 4th year student, Tokyo Women’s Christian University, a member of the steering committee of Judai 52nd

Miki Ebara, Journalist/Documentarist, Former NHK News Anchor/Executive Producer

Kazuki Matsubara, Director, Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Relief Division,
International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, JAPAN 


山口真一 (国際大学グローバル・コミュニケーション・センター准教授)


松原一樹(外務省国際協力局 緊急・人道支援課長)

The escalation of the Gaza-Israel conflict since October 2023 has created a serious humanitarian crisis, and the international community has been unable to take effective action, despite multiple efforts by various actors to resolve the situation. It is not only in the Gaza-Israel conflict that humanitarian aid is unable to function. Humanitarian aid itself is under threat in Ukraine, Sudan and around the world. This session aims to clarify what crises humanitarian organizations are currently facing and to discuss what is needed and what measures are required to ensure humanitarian aid continues to exist.


Online Session 1

April 24th (Wed) 17:30-19:00

Sexual Violence against the Most Vulnerable - What is Necessary for a Better Future?
脆弱な立場の人びとを襲う性暴力 ~未来のために必要な対応~

Momoe Makino, Senior Research Fellow, the Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Hiroki Fukui, President, Sex Offenders Medical Center
Hiroshi Yamada, Urologist, Ph.D., Japanese Red Cross Aichi Medical Center Nagoya Daini Hospital
Yuki Kuniyoshi, Midwife, MSF

Hiromi Kusano, Senior Advocacy Officer, Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP)

Rei Kanazawa, Former President of Youth with Refugees Platform, Co-President of EmPATHy, 4th year student at the University of Tokyo

山田浩史(日本赤十字社愛知医療センター名古屋第二病院泌尿器科副部長 泌尿器科専門 医学博士性暴力救援センター日赤なごや なごみ副センター長)

草野洋美(公益財団法人ジョイセフ シニア・アドボカシー・オフィサー)

金澤伶(ユースなんみんプラットフォーム元代表・EmPATHy 共同代表、東京大学4 年生)

One in three women experience physical or sexual violence at least once in their lifetime. Sexual violence includes rape, sexual abuse, forced sterilization and female genital mutilation. It shatters the lives of millions of people and can occur anywhere. However, it is more prevalent in unstable settings, such as conflict zones and post-disaster situations, and men are also survivors of sexual violence. The healthcare services for survivors are largely lacking in these environments. Many survivors are unable to report sexual violence for fear of stigmatization or retaliation. In Japan, 82 cases of sexual violence were reported after the Great East Japan Earthquake, revealing the needs in terms of prevention and providing adequate support for survivors as well as education and mental support for perpetrators.

In this session, speakers who have experience treating and supporting survivors and working with perpetrators of sexual violence discuss the current situation in Japan and abroad, the challenges of providing medical care and support, and potential measures to eradicate sexual violence in the future.

女性の3人に1人は生涯に一度は暴力または性暴力の被害に遭うと言われている。性暴力とはレイプ、性的虐待、強制不妊手術や女性器切除術などを指す。多くの人の命を奪い、人生に消えない影響を及ぼす性暴力は世界中で発生しているが、紛争地や災害後など不安定な環境において特に発生しやすく、男性も被害者 になり得る。このような環境下では被害者に対する医療サービスが不足していることに加え、差別や報復を恐れて性被害を報告できないケースも多く、未だ支援が行き届いていない。日本でも東日本大震災発生後に82件の性暴力事例が報告されるなど性暴力の予防や被害者支援、また加害者への教育や心理的サポートにおいて多くの課題が残る。


Online Session 2

April 24th (Wed) 19:30-21:00

ICRC Session
Navigating Business and Human Rights Challenges - Critical Minerals and Humanitarian Concerns
「ビジネスと人権問題」にどう立ち向かうか ~紛争鉱物と人道上の懸念~
協力 UNDP/Supported by UNDP

Emi Sugawara, Professor from Osaka University of Economics and Law
Marlene Wäfler, Principal Programme manager, Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF)
Remi Fernandez, Manager, Human Rights, Social issues and Governance Issues for Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
Kazuyo Hanai, Project Assistant Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives, University of Tokyo
Claude Voillat, Economic Adviser, ICRC

Siniša Milatović, Business and Human Rights Specialist, Crisis Bureau, the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP)

華井和代(東京大学未来ビジョン研究センター 特任講師)


Business operations in complex environments characterized by fragility, instability, and armed conflict face challenges regarding human rights issues associated with operational security. Upholding human rights in such contexts is not only a legal requirement and a social expectation but also a strategic necessity for private companies navigating these contexts. Failure to do so results in adverse impacts on affected communities and severe repercussions for businesses and their reputation.

Critical minerals often are part of ecosystems that end up funding armed groups and may perpetuate violence or fuel armed conflict. Responsible business operations and supply chain management are vital to address these challenges and avoid inadvertent support for conflict and human rights abuses.

This session provides an overview of humanitarian challenges associated with the critical mineral industry, as well as priorities and initiatives taken by various stakeholders to promote responsible business operations and supply chain management in complex environments.



Online Session 3

April 25th (Thu) 17:30-19:00

Keep Our Eyes on Sudan

Faroug N.O. Mohammed, Director General , National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), Sudan
Ko Imanaka, Country Director, Japan International Volunteer Center (JVC) Sudan Office
Tomoko Kubota, Head of Office in Herat, United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), Former Head of the Kadugli Regional Office (covering Kordofan and Blue Nile regions), United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS)
Claire Nicolet, Deputy Cell Manager Emergency Cell, MSF

Ayako Kobayashi, Associate Professor, the Faculty of Global Studies, Sophia University

Shinsuke Shimizu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, JAPAN




Since the clashes began between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Force (RSF) in Khartoum, in April 2003, the conflict has spread across Sudan, and it was widely reported that many Japanese nationals evacuated the country. At present, more than eight million people are internally displaced within Sudan or refugees in neighboring countries, including Chad and South Sudan. Despite the worsening humanitarian crisis, with reports of malnutrition in camps for people who are displaced and large-scale violence against civilians in Darfur, the international community's attention has shifted away from Sudan, which now becomes a neglected conflict. This session provides an update on the humanitarian situation in Sudan and examine what the international community can and should do to support people facing this crisis.


Online Session 4 & Closing

April 25th (Thu) 19:30-21:10

Climate Change and Humanitarian Crisis: Navigating the Future Together
気候変動と人道危機: 共に未来を切り拓く

Bradley Mellicker, Senior Regional Emergency and Post-Crisis Specialist, International Organisation for Migration (IOM)
Ririko Noda, Japan Youth Platform for Sustainability(JYPS)
Catherine-Lune Grayson, Head of Policy, Department of International Law, Policy, and Humanitarian Diplomacy, ICRC
Maria Guevara, MSF International Medical Secretary

Masashi Tsudaka, Senior Programme Coordinator, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)


津高政志(地球環境戦略研究機関 シニアプログラムコーディネーター)

Climate change has triggered disasters such as cyclones, droughts, floods, heatwaves, and rising sea-levels, making 2023 the hottest year on record with numerous climate-induced disasters worldwide. Beyond causing disasters, climate change has far-reaching impacts on forced displacement, food supply, and public health, further deteriorating many humanitarian situations. It also poses various challenges to the activities of humanitarian aid organizations. In this session, we welcome panelists from international agencies, nongovernmental organizations, think tanks, and youth groups to discuss the broad impacts of climate change on humanitarian situations and the operations of humanitarian aid organizations.



We might stop registration before the Congress days, once the number of participants reaches the limit.

Registration for the hybrid session on April 23rd/ 4月23日ハイブリッドセッション申し込み
Registration for ONSITE participation at Waseda Univ Nihonbashi Campus on April 23rd4/23 早稲田大学日本橋キャンパスでの観覧申し込み 新しいウィンドウで開く

※This session will be held in Japanese. No simultaneous interpretation on site.

Notice on personal information for onsite participants

Registration for ONLINE participation on April 23rd4/23 オンライン参加申し込み 新しいウィンドウで開く

※This session will be held in Japanese. Simultaneous interpretation available for the webinar.

Registration for the online sessions on April 24th and 25th/ 4月24日.25日オンラインセッション申し込み
Registration for the online sessions on April 24th and 25th4/24.25 オンラインセッション申し込み 新しいウィンドウで開く

Notice on personal information and the use of Zoom for online participants



Tackling the Crisis of Humanitarian Aid

The Humanitarian Congress Tokyo 2024 was held on April 23, 24 and 25, with simultaneous interpretation between Japanese and English. The audio is in the speaker's language, so please use the automatic translation function on YouTube if necessary.


Opening & Hybrid Session: How Can We Tackle the Crisis of Humanitarian Aid?/ 開会挨拶&ハイブリッドセッション:人道援助の危機にどう立ち向かうか?

Online Session 1: Sexual Violence against the Most Vulnerable - What is Necessary for a Better Future?/ オンラインセッション1: 脆弱な立場の人びとを襲う性暴力 ~未来のために必要な対応~

Online Session 2: Navigating Business and Human Rights Challenges - Critical Minerals and Humanitarian Concerns/ オンラインセッション2:「ビジネスと人権問題」にどう立ち向かうか ~紛争鉱物と人道上の懸念~

Online Session 3: Keep Our Eyes on Sudan/ オンラインセッション3:スーダンに関心を

Online Session 4 & Closing: Climate Change and Humanitarian Crisis: Navigating the Future Together/ オンラインセッション4& 閉会挨拶:気候変動と人道危機: 共に未来を切り拓く

A spotlight on the neglected

The Humanitarian Congress Tokyo 2023 was held on April 11, 17 and 18, with simultaneous interpretation between Japanese and English. The audio is in the speaker's language, so please use the automatic translation function on YouTube if necessary.


Opening & Hybrid Session: What determines whether a conflict is in the spotlight or neglected, and what are the consequences? /開会挨拶&ハイブリッドセッション:世界的な注目を集める紛争と集めない紛争。その違いはいかに生まれ、どのような影響をもたらしているのか。

Online Session 1: Time to face up to neglected tropical diseases/オンラインセッション2:顧みられない熱帯病に立ち向かう

Online Session 2: Myanmar today/オンラインセッション2:ミャンマーの今を探る

Online Session 3: How to navigate the triple nexus: challenges to humanitarian principles? /オンラインセッション3:人道・開発・平和はどのように共存できるか~人道原則への挑戦?~

Online Session 4 & Closing: The Horn of Africa: how to focus attention on this troubled region? /オンラインセッション4:アフリカの角──国際社会の関心を呼び起こすためには?

Rethinking humanitarian action in a changing world


The Humanitarian Congress Tokyo 2022 was held on May 19 and 20, with simultaneous interpretation between Japanese and English. The audio is in the speaker's language, so please use the automatic translation function on YouTube if necessary.


Opening Remarks and Opening Session: Conflict in Ukraine and International Humanitarian Law/ 開会挨拶、ウクライナ紛争と国際人道法

Session 1:Time to face the “Silent Pandemic” of AMR – Roles of Medical and Humanitarian Actors/ 命をおびやかすAMR の「サイレント・パンデミック」に立ち向かう──医療・人道アクターの役割

Session 2: The Role of the Private Sector in Responding to Increasingly Complex and Protracted Humanitarian Crises/ 複雑化・長期化する人道的危機への対応における民間セクターの役割

Session 3: To End Prolonged Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan/ 長きにわたるアフガニスタンの人道危機、出口を求めて

Future of Humanitarian Action – truly leaving no one behind

The Humanitarian Congress Tokyo 2021 was held on May 13 and 14, with simultaneous interpretation between Japanese and English. The audio is in the speaker's language, so please use the automatic translation function on YouTube if necessary.


Opening Remarks and Opening Session: Future of Humanitarian Action – truly leaving no one behind/ 開会挨拶、人道援助の未来――真に、“誰一人取り残さない”ために

Session 1:A decade of loss – Syria after ten years of crisis/ 破壊と喪失の10年‐シリアが背負う大きな代償

Session 2: Climate Change and Conflict: When Rain Turns to Dust/ 気候変動と紛争:大地が干上がる時

Session 3: Massive setback to decades of progress in women’s and child health: the impact of the pandemic beyond COVID-19, and Closing Remarks/ 女性・子どものヘルス分野における数十年の成果からの大幅な後退:新型コロナウイルス感染症の二次的影響 閉会挨拶

Challenges of Humanitarian Aid amid COVID-19

The Humanitarian Congress Tokyo 2020 was conducted with simultaneous interpretation between Japanese and English. The audio is in the speaker's languages, so please activate the auto-translate on YouTube if necessary.


Pre-session: Implementation of humanitarian medical aid by MSF and the challenges MSF faces / MSFによる人道医療援助の実践と直面する危機

Shinjiro Murata, General Director, MSF Japan

Guest speaker:
Reshma Adatia, International Operations and Humanitarian Representation Coordinator, MSF International


レシュマ・アダティア(MSFインターナショナル 人道・外交担当代表)

Opening remarks and Session1: Attacks on medical care / 開会挨拶、医療施設に対する攻撃


Maciej Polkowski, Head of the Health Care in Danger initiative, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC),
Leonard Rubenstein, Chair, Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition
Shinjiro Murata, General Director, MSF Japan

Shuichi Furuya, Professor of law at Waseda Law School

マーチェイ・ポルコウスキ(赤十字国際委員会Health Care in Danger プロジェクト統括)
レオナルド・ルーベンスタイン(Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition代表)


Session2: The global equitable access to the COVID-19 vaccine, therapeutics and diagnosis / 新型コロナウイルスワクチン・治療・検査への公平なアクセス

Dr. Sylvie Briand, Director of Infectious Hazard Management – Pandemic and Epidemic Disease department, WHO
Kaori Nakatani, Head of Office, DNDi Japan
Dr. Sidney Wong, Interim Co-Director MSF Access Campaign

Takashi Kurumiya, President, MSF Japan

中谷香(特定非営利活動法人DNDi Japan事務局代表)


Session3: The Humanitarian situation in Yemen and Closing remarks / イエメンの人道状況、閉会挨拶

Hiroshi Sato, Chief Senior Researcher, IDE-JETRO
Yukimi Ogaki, World Food Programme (WFP) Yemen
Atsuhiko Ochiai, Former MSF Project Coordinator in Yemen

Takeshi Fujitani, Assistant to Executive Editor, The Asahi Shimbun

佐藤寛(日本貿易振興機構(ジェトロ)アジア経済研究所 上席主任調査研究員)

藤谷健 (朝日新聞 編集担当補佐)
