Emergency doctor

MSF‘s ever-expanding emergency activities range from primary care in refugee camps to tertiary care in trauma hospitals located in conflict areas. Because activities differ with each project, a wide range of experience and flexibility to meet relevant needs is required.


  • Set-up the ER ward and make improvements to triage and hospital flow
  • Provide evidence-based education in areas such as proper use of antibacterial drugs, informed consent, and palliative care
  • Coordinate between multiple occupations and departments, including transportation coordination
  • Create manuals for mass casualty response and conduct training for implementation
  • Oversee long-term projects involving chronic disease management
  • Respond to infection in epidemic areas
  • Deal with trauma in conflict areas and large numbers of injured and sick patients
  • Submit activity reports and manage data (patient files, forms, statistics, databases, etc.)
  • Plan training for staff and conduct evaluations, supervision, etc.



  • EssentialCompliance with Essential Requirements for all potential candidates
  • EssentialAt least one year’s post-specialisation professional experience
  • EssentialManagement/teaching experience
  • EssentialAbility to work in English and/or French
  • DesirableClinical experience or training in mass casualty management
  • DesirableExperience in ICU/NICU
  • DesirableAvailable for a minimum of 6 months

Submit your application

Please first prepare your CV (free form) and a motivation letter. Some positions may request you to download and fill specific CV (MSF CV template) and a technical check list. Please check below to ensure document(s) requested for your profile. You need to fill all necessary documents in English or French, then complete your application through our online form.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) accepts applications for international positions through the form below.

Medical Guidelines

Information about clinical and medical necessities for MSF’s activities in developing countries, such as required medical supplies, clinical guidelines, refugee healthcare, tuberculosis, obstetrics, and so on, is available on our website (English)Open a new window. PDF materials, ebook materials, and a smartphone application are available for download. Printed materials are made available at our information sessions.