How to apply

Thank you for your interest in Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). MSF Japan only accepts applications from residents of Japan and Russia who are eligible to work without restrictions in these respective countries. If you do not live or do not have an unrestricted work permit in these countries, please refer to MSF International website to locate the nearest office to which you can apply.
How to apply
Step 01Submit application
Please check the application requirements on the job category page and send each application document by online application form. Required documents vary depending on the job type.
- *You do not need to submit language proficiency test scores.
Step 02Confirmation phone call
We will make inquiries such as your availability for a field assignment.
Step 031st screening (Application documents)
Application screening involves technical screening of your CV and checklist-based assessment of suitability for specific positions. This process may take several weeks.
Some positions, such as administrators, may require a written test. -
Step 04Online language proficiency test
All those who have passed the first screening will be required to proceed to the second screening, only if they have passed the language proficiency test.
Step 052nd screening (Interview)
Those who have passed the first screening will proceed to the second screening.
Step 06Reference check
A hiring manager will contact two people who you have worked in the past or are working with currently (preferably your superior) for some confirmation questions.
Step 07Official registration in MSF Japan human resource pool
Preliminarily validated applicants are asked to submit additional documents, such as a medical license, diploma etc., to complete their registration.
Step 08Pre-departure training
Newly validated candidates are invited to attend a 3-day training session called the "Welcome to MSF" held in Tokyo (Due to the Covid-19 situation, it is currently organised online). This session is for those who can be assigned to a field within 6 months.
Some candidates may be required to attend other training programs prior to their first field assignment (most of the time organised in Europe). -
Step 09Position matching and preparation for departure
Depending on your professional background and the timing of availability for a field assignment, we will recommend vacant positions. Note that, this adjustment may take several months.
The MSF Japan office will arrange visas and airline tickets on your behalf (only for Japanese residents). -
Step 10Briefing and departure
You will be given a briefing on an assigned field project and departure to the field.
Pre-departure training
MSF provides training for field staff before their first field assignment.
Welcome to MSF
Our pre-departure training session ‘Welcome to MSF’ for those assigned to a field project for the first time is held several times a year by the MSF Japan office. We want all our field staff to understand what MSF is doing in the field and why.
We generally require participants to be available to be assigned to a field project within 6 month of their attendance. The training period is 2-3 days and its official language is English.
Through lectures, case studies, role plays, activity reports of experienced field workers, you will learn about problems you might face in the field and decision making within a team. It is also an opportunity to deepen your understanding of cross-cultural communication and stress management.

Preparation Primary Departure
Depending on the job type and the destination of your first field assignment, we may ask you to participate in the Preparation Primary Departure held at the Operations Centre. In this training, there are technical training sessions such as PPDL (Preparation Primary Departure Logistics) for logisticians and PPDA (Preparation Primary Departure Administrator) for administrators.

Essential requirements
Learn about the essential requirements common to all field workers
Who we need
MSF recruits both medical and non-medical staff such as logisticians and administrators. We need English and/or French speakers with working experience in various areas
Benefits & career opportunities
Find out about allowance, insurance, and other benefits as well as career development opportunities for field workers
Submit your application
Please first prepare your CV (free form) and a motivation letter. Some positions may request you to download and fill specific CV (MSF CV template) and a technical check list. Please check the page for the position you would like to apply for, to ensure what document(s) are requested for your profile. You will need to fill all the necessary documents in English or French, then complete your application through our online application form.
- ©MSF