Hackathon 2017

This project was finalised.

Spot needs in the field – and innovate

Our Hackathon for Humanitarian SurgicalCare 2017 was organized by MSF Japan in partnership with Japan Biodesign Faculties. This was the first hackathon organised by the Japan Innovation Unit, and we picked ‘Humanitarian Surgical Care’ as a theme because we identified it as a technical area with unmet needs: a perfect example of where MSF needs innovation. Using this experience as a package, the unit wants to increase interest in holding hackathons within MSF and beyond.


A hackathon is an intense event that brings together medical personnel, engineers, developers, businesspersons, designers and end-users to brainstorm and build innovative solutions to address challenges.

Progress so far

The programme has been packaged and offered on a request basis.

MSF Field Projects and any humanitarian actors

Last update: September 2017


MSF Japan Innovation Team

MSF Japan Innovation Team is providing innovative ideas of solutions to the MSF activities. If you, either as a company or as a professional, have an idea that would be beneficial to our projects as well as patients, please contact us. Your innovative proposal is always appreciated.