We are sending this email to Charity Runners who have chosen Médecins Sans Frontières Japon / Doctors Without Borders Japan in the Tokyo Marathon 2020 Charity Program.
For English contents, please click here. |
皆さま、こんにちは!国境なき医師団(MSF)マラソン部です。いかがお過ごしですか。いよいよ、東京マラソン2020の年となりました。前号に引き続き、今月号でも、MSFチャリティランナーをご紹介いたします。 |
海外で活動する国境なき日本人たちに共感。自分も「国境なきランナー」ですから! |
MSFチャリティランナー |
角田賢紀さん |
(情報サービス業社員) |
2019年12月、国境なき医師団主催「エンドレスジャーニー展」の会場入り口に、開場前から並ぶ人の列があった。その日イベントの中で開催された、いとうせいこう氏のトークイベント「まだまだ国境なき医師団を見に行く by いとうせいこう」の整理券を求める人の列だ。その中にひときわ細く背の高い男性がひとり。東京マラソン2020をチャリティランナーとして走る、角田賢紀さんである。
国境なき医師団は「名前を知っているだけ」だった角田さんが、「国境なきランナー」として東京マラソンに挑むまでの気持ちの変化、その軌跡とは?「エンドレスジャーニー展」の会場で伺いました。 |
きっかけはフィットネスクラブ、もっと言えば体重増加(笑) |
─角田さんがマラソンを始めたきっかけを教えてください。 |
でも、当然ながらどんどん体重が増えるので、40歳前に一大決心してフィットネスクラブに通い始めたんですね。 |
─今はそんなに細いのに?意外です。けれど、ウエイトトレーニングからどうしてマラソンに? |
ウエイトトレーニングってひたすら身体を鍛えますよね…。それだけじゃなんだか張り合いがなくて、体を鍛える目標が欲しいなと。それで、フィットネスクラブのジョギングサークルに入ったんです。自分を追い込むつもりで。あと、仲間も欲しかったし。 |
とはいえ、走るのなんて学生時代以来のこと。はじめはドキドキでした。ベテランの方の後ろをなんとかついて行こうと走りました。井の頭公園の周りを。そうしたら…、楽に走れたんです。 |
─自分を追い込むつもりが、楽に走れた? |
はい。自分でも驚くくらい楽に走れて。それも、すごく楽しく。それで今度は半年後、ハーフマラソンに出場してみました。これも完走して。ますます楽しくなってしまいました。それで今は、年に5本くらい、フルマラソンに出場していますね。国内3本、海外2本くらい。2019年は、台北と、オーストラリアのエアーズロックと…。(獲得したメダルがずらり) |
それにしても、学生時代から走っていなかったのに、どうしてそんなに楽しくなったんですか? |
そうですねえ…。達成感ですかねえ。それから、自分のペースでやれるところかな。もともと学校の体育の授業って苦手だったんですよ。ほんとに。でも、マラソンは自分のペースで走れるじゃないですか。練習も、本番も。 |
─自分のペース…、確かにマラソンってそうですね。その分、続けるのが大変そうですが。日々の練習ってどんなことをされているんですか? |
月~金は毎日、フィットネスクラブでトレッドミル(ランニングマシン)です。昭和の男は休養を取れないので(笑)。 |
─"昭和の男は…"。そうですか、やっぱり(笑)。 |
それで、土日は、自宅からどこまで走ってあの店でご飯とかスイーツを食べよう、とか考えて走ります。大食漢なので(笑) |
─それは励みになりますね!ところで、東京マラソンに出走しようと考えられたのはなぜですか? |
東京マラソンって、日本のランナーにとっての"総本山"じゃないかと思うんです。いつか走ってみたいもの。私も毎年、申し込んでは抽選で落ちる、を繰り返していたんです。でも、2020年は節目だし、オリンピックイヤーだし、こんなこと生きている間に2度とないだろうと。絶対に出走したいと思って、チャリティランナー枠に応募しました。 |
─チャリティランナー枠は、抽選こそないけれど申し込み順だから、それはそれで大変な競争でしたよね。 |
すごい競争でした。今年のチャリティランナー申し込み開始日、実は出張だったんですけど、移動中、同僚の横で、スマホで必死に応募して(笑) |
─(笑)。同僚の方は仕事熱心に思われたでしょうねえ。そうしてチャリティランナーエントリーに応募されたわけですけど、寄付先団体として国境なき医師団を選ばれたのはなぜですか? |
活動に賛同できる、と思ったんです。ほら、私は海外でも走っているんで、自分で自分のことを「国境なきランナー」だと思っています。だから、海外で活動している日本人の人たちっていうところに、まず共感したんです。それで、自分が走ることで役に立てれば、と思って。 |
─国境なき医師団については、以前からご存知だったんですか? |
うーん、その時点では、「日本の団体」かな?と思っていて、それから、「型にはまりたくない若いドクターや看護師が多いんじゃないか」と、漠然としたイメージしかありませんでした。それで、応募してから、もっと知りたいなと思って、このイベント(「エンドレスジャーニー展」)にも来てみようと思って。 |
─ご来場ありがとうございます!いかがでしたか? |
いやぁ、活動に感激しました。自分のことより困っている人を助けることに一生懸命な姿に。また、グローバルな団体なんだなぁ、っていうのと、ドクター、看護師は半分くらいで、その他、現地にて有力者との調整、設営場所の確保、ライフラインの整備などにあたる人もいるんだっていうのは、初めて知りました。 |
─イベント内で開催された、いとうせいこうさんの「まだまだ国境なき医師団を見に行く」のトークセッションも参加されましたね。いかがでしたか? |
それから、いとうさんが、記者ではなく、作家として人間対人間のコミュニケーションをされていたことも印象的でした。現地の方たちは、緊張が続く地域で暗い毎日を送っているのかと思いきや、いとうさんは人なつっこい彼らの姿を引き出していて、それが、当初自分が漠然と持っていたイメージとギャップがあり驚きました。まさに彼は、国境なき作家。素晴らしい。執筆された2冊の本を再度読み直すと、今回展示を体験したことで、さらにイメージがつきやすいです。 |
─わぁ、私たちの活動している地域のこと、私たちの活動について、とても深く理解してくださったんですね。 |
せっかくチャリティランナーになったんで、もっと知りたいなと思いますねえ。 |
─ぜひ、もっともっと知ってください。国境なきランナーとして。 |
そして、体調に気を付けて、当日万全の体調で完走してくださいね。応援していますー! |
東京マラソン2020は2020年3月1日(日)開催。 |
東京マラソン2020のチャリティランナー募集は既に終了しましたが、寄付の受付は2020年3月31日(火)17:00まで実施しています。どうぞ紛争地の患者さんのために走る、国境なき医師団と国境なきチャリティランナーのみなさんを応援してください! |
国境なき医師団日本を応援する ※東京マラソン2020チャリティのサイトに移動します。
#私が走ると誰かが歩けるようになる #RunForSomeonesHope |
MSFのチャリティランナーになって頂きありがとうございました!引き続き、ご支援のほどをよろしくお願いいたします! |
ヨルダンで活動するMSFの看護師(右) ©Hussein Amri/MSF |
東京マラソン2020チャリティで国境なき医師団のチャリティランナーになって頂き、ありがとうございました。皆さまからお寄せ頂いたご寄付は、ヨルダン首都アンマンのMSF再建外科病院の活動のために使わせて頂きます。こちらからも、寄付金の使い道について、詳しい情報を得ることができます。 |
MSFでは引き続き、皆さまから再建外科病院の活動のためのご寄付を募集しております。詳しくは、東京マラソン2020チャリティ公式ウェブサイトをご覧ください。 |
==== Join us with Tokyo Marathon 2020 Charity Program ==== |
Hello Charity Runners! We are Médecins Sans Frontières Japon / Doctors Without Borders Japan (MSFJ) Marathon Club. We would like to introduce MSF charity runner in this month's issue. |
Japanese without borders braving abroad struck a chord with me. Why? Because I'm "a runner without borders"!! |
(information service industry worker) |
Text: Keiko Miyahara (Japan staff member, MSF) |
Prior to the doors opening, a line of people formed at the venue of the Endless Journey Exhibition organized by Medicins San Frontieres (MSF) Japan in December. This was the ticket line for people there for the talk to be given at the event that day by Seiko Ito - Mada mada kokkyonaki ishidan o mi ni iku by Ito Seiko (There's so much more to MSF by Seiko Ito). Among them was a lone, slender, tall man. It was Takanori Tsunoda, who will run in the Tokyo Marathon 2020 as a charity runner.
Mr. Tsunoda, who knew of MSF only by name, would be so moved that he would commit to be a 'runner without borders' in the Tokyo Marathon. We asked him about just what moved him at the Endless Journey Exhibition. |
It all started at a fitness club, or, more specifically, my weight gain *laughs* |
- Please tell us what started you down the path to run in the Marathon. |
I eat a lot. When I would go on company trips with my co-workers, we would stay at ryokan, and during the meals there, what everyone else couldn't eat would end up on my plate. They all thought that I could finish it. And I could.
But, naturally, I gradually gained weight, so I took the plunge and joined a fitness club before I turned 40. |
- But you're so slim right now. That's surprising. But why did you go from weight training to running a marathon? |
Weight training is about single-mindedly building one's body, right? But doing only that is not that exciting, and I wanted a concrete fitness goal to strive for, so I joined a jogging group in the fitness club. I did it to push myself, and I wanted to meet other like-minded people. |
All that being said, it had been since my school days that I last ran, so I was a bit nervous at first. I stuck behind the veteran runners. We did laps around Inokashira Park. Then I started to run more comfortably. |
- So you started with the intent to push yourself, but you actually ran comfortably? |
Yes. I was quite surprised, myself, at how comfortable running felt. And, it was quite fun as well. And six months later, I ran in my first half-marathon. |
I finished that race, and then the joy of it grew for me even more.
And now, I run in about five marathons per year. Three in Japan, and two overseas.
In 2019 I ran in Taipei and in Australia at Ayers Rock. (his medals are lined up) |
- Wow! You have a lot of medals! Those are all for completing the marathons?!
Even though you hadn't run since you were in school, why did you find it to be so fun? |
Well, maybe because it gives me a sense of accomplishment. And it's also something I can do at my own pace.
I really didn't like gym class in school.
But with a marathon, one can run at their own pace, right? Whether it's in training, or in the race, itself. |
- You can run at your own pace in a marathon. But that makes it quite difficult to keep going. How do you go about training each day? |
I train every weekday on the treadmill at the fitness club. Old schoolers like me seldom get to rest. *laughs* |
- An old schooler? I see. That makes sense. *laughs* |
On the weekends, I think about what store I can run to from my house to get a meal or some sweets. I am a big eater, after all. *laughs* |
It is my dream to run Tokyo Marathon in my life. |
Mr. Tsunoda is running with his friends ©Takanori Tsunoda |
- That's definitely motivation! Why did you want to try to run in the Tokyo Marathon? |
I think the Tokyo Marathon is a main event for Japanese runners. They all want to try it at some point. I have tried each year to get into it through their lottery system but I have repeatedly failed. But 2020 is a milestone year, and it's also the year of the Olympics Game, and I think that something like this only comes once in a lifetime. I knew that I had to run in it, so I applied to be a charity runner. |
- The charity runner category isn't done by lottery, but is on a first-come, first-chosen basis. Despite that, the competition to get in was harsh, wasn't it? |
The competition was really tough. I was actually away on a business trip the day the charity runner application was opened, and, sitting next to my co-worker while we were traveling, I was desperately trying to apply on my smartphone *laughs*. |
- *laughs* Your co-worker must have thought you were hard at work, but you were actually applying to be a charity runner. Why did you select MSF as the recipient organization? |
I believe what MSF is doing is right. I run marathons overseas, so I feel myself to be a 'runner without borders'. I empathize with Japanese people working overseas. So I thought that if I could somehow help them by running, that's something I should do. |
I am really impressed what MSF does. |
Mr. Tsunoda visited the Endless Journey Exhibition ©MSF |
- Did you know anything about MSF before? |
No. At the time I was unsure if they were a Japanese organization, and I only had the vague idea that there were a lot of young doctors and nurses who didn't want to be constrained by walls. So after I applied, I wanted to know more about it, and I came to this event (Endless Journey Exhibition). |
- Thank you for coming! How was it? |
I am very impressed at what MSF does, at how they work selflessly to help those in need. I learned that, being a global organization, it's comprised of only half doctors and nurses, and that there are also other people who work in the field to liaise with locally-influential people, secure facilities, and establish lifelines. |
- You also took part in Seiko Ito's talk session (Mada mada kokkyonaki ishidan o mi ni iku by Ito Seikou [There's so much more to MSF]) held at the event (author's note: refers to the Endless Journey Exhibition). How was that? |
It was shocking. It was the first time I had learned that so many people around the world were still risking their lives to get from one place to another. I couldn't help but cry at the sight of children in the Middle East suffering from full-body burns travelling great distances with their mothers to seek medical treatment, and the positive attitudes of the youth who had lost legs using their crutches as musical instruments.
I was also deeply impressed by Mr. Ito, who, as an author rather than a journalist, was engaged in one-to-one communication with these people. Whereas I believed that the people on the ground lived such dark and dreary days in a region fraught with continuous tension, when I saw Mr. Ito elicited friendly reactions from those people, I was actually shocked at how much reality differed from my initial vague impression. He is exactly what it means to be an author without borders. Amazing! When I go back and re-read his two books, after experiencing this exhibition, that image of him becomes even stronger in my mind. |
- Wow, you've really developed a deep understanding of the regions we work in and what we do. |
Well, since I'm going to be a charity runner, I wanted to know more about the organization. |
- Please learn as much as you can, as a runner without borders. |
Please keep yourself in top condition, and run the best race you can that day. We're behind you! |
The Tokyo Marathon 2020 will be held on Sunday, March 1, 2020. |
We are no longer soliciting for charity runners for the Tokyo Marathon 2020, but we will be accepting donations until 5:00 pm Tuesday, March 31, 2020. Please offer your support to the MSF charity runners who are running to help patients in conflict zones!
Support MSF Japan *Redirects you to the Tokyo Marathon 2020 Charity official Website. |
(Website does not show Mr. Tsunoda's charity sheet. Please give your support through the MSF Japan charity sheet.) |
#私が走ると誰かが歩けるようになる #RunForSomeonesHope |
Thank you for your continued support for MSF Japan Marathon Club. |
MSF nurse who works in Jordan is talking to a patient. ©Hussein Amri/MSF |
Thank you for choosing us in the Tokyo Marathon 2020 Charity Program. We are truly grateful that you have chosen Medecins Sans Frontieres Japon / Doctors Without Borders Japan as a charity runner in the upcoming Tokyo Marathon 2020 Charity. Your donation will be used for MSF activities at our reconstructive surgery hospital in Amman, Jordan. |
Below is a link to MSF activities at the hospital in Amman for which your donations will be used. |
We continue to call for additional donations for the Amman hospital. For details, please refer to the Tokyo Marathon 2020 Charity Official Program website. |
Thank you very much for reading this issue of the MSFJ Marathon Club 2020 e-mail magazine until the end. Please feel free to share with us your feedback. Your generous comments are always more than welcome. |
Medecins Sans Frontieres Japon / Doctors Without Borders Japan is a recipient organisation of Tokyo Marathon 2020 Charity program. |