
We are sending this email to Charity Runners who have chosen Médecins Sans Frontières Japon / Doctors Without Borders Japan in the Tokyo Marathon 2020 Charity Program.
For English contents, please click here.

アンマンの再建外科病院で治療に励む子供たち ©Toru Yokota
ツイッターアカウントは→ @ToruRunsForGood
きっかけ?えーっと…、きっかけっていうほどのものはなくて。中学の時、陸上部だったんです。もともと走るのが好きだったんですよね。で、高校、大学とそんなに走っていなかったんですが、社会人になってまた走り始めました。 私にとってマラソンって、根性というよりも科学なんです。科学的に努力をしていかないと完走できない。職業柄……、エンジニアっぽい仕事をしているんで。マラソンの、戦略を立てて、手順を踏んでいくことで結果を出せるスポーツ、っていう、そういうところが性に合っているんだと思います。
ランニングウェア姿のToruさん ©Toru Furukawa
国境なき医師団のことは、職場で隣に座っている同僚から聞いていたんですね。うちの会社には「#Twitter For Good」という従業員がボランティア活動をするプログラムがあるんですが、その同僚が、国境なき医師団のスクールキャラバン(主に小学校を対象にした、人道援助についての出張授業)のボランティアをしていて。国境なき医師団が東京マラソン2020チャリティの寄付先団体になったことも、その同僚から聞きました。
そうですね。自分のTwitterアカウントに何か新しいデモを上げたいと考えています。ミュージシャンなら曲を作ってアップするでしょう? 私はエンジニアなので。
MSFチームへ敬意を評して! #OneTeam #私が走ると誰かが歩けるようになる

==== Join us with Tokyo Marathon 2020 Charity Program ====
Hello Charity Runners! We are Médecins Sans Frontières Japon / Doctors Without Borders Japan (MSFJ) Marathon Club.
Thank you for your continued support for Médecins Sans Frontières Japon / Doctors Without Borders Japan Marathon Club.
Thank you for choosing us in the Tokyo Marathon 2020 Charity Program.
Children at MSF's Reconstructive Surgery Hospital in Amman ©Toru Yokota
We are truly grateful that you have chosen Médecins Sans Frontières Japon / Doctors Without Borders Japan as a charity runner in the upcoming Tokyo Marathon 2020. Your donation will be used for MSF activities at our reconstructive surgery hospital in Amman, Jordan.
This hospital was initially built in 2006 to care for victims of the war in Iraq. Under the theme of #RunforSomeone'sHope, we wish to turn your kind contribution to someone's hope. Below is a link to MSF activities at the hospital in Amman for which your donations will be used.
We continue to call for additional donations for the Amman hospital. For details, please refer to the Tokyo Marathon 2020 Charity Official Program website.
Achieving a big goal with others. Let's have fun as ♯OneTeam.
Runner Interview
See his latest tweet @ToruRunsForGood
Charity runner: Toru Furukawa (An IT company employee)
Text: Keiko Miyahara, Japan staff member, MSF
Shortly after the Tokyo Marathon 2020 Charity crowd-funding registration opened, this account called "ToruRunsForGood" appeared on the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) page.
The account holder, Toru Furukawa (hereafter called "Toru") is an engineer who works with a global corporation that offers social media. The social media enjoys world-wide popularity.
He is a person of logical thinking befitting the engineer and openness to acknowledge that "MSF feels strangely familiar to me," not to mention his professional skills and energy that turn his ideas into a reality in no time.
What prompted him to apply for entry? What kind of fascinating projects he as an engineer brought about? The pioneering, MSF Charity runner shared his story.
I run because it's fun. It's not meant to be tough. I would call it a failure if it were.
― Would you tell me about what led you into running a marathon?
What got me into this? Oh, I … not for any particular reason. I was in a track-and-field sports club when I was a junior high-schooler. You see, I like to run to start with. I didn't spend much time running during my high-school days and college days. It changed when I started working.
For me, a marathon is a matter of science than your guts. You can never make it to the end unless you make effort based on science.
Maybe it's because of my profession. My job has a shade of engineer. Bringing results in marathon means mapping out your strategy and do things step by step. I think those are things that suit me well.
― I see what you mean. That said, running a full marathon is tough - there are times when things do not go as planned in your strategy, aren't there?
Actually, no. It's not very difficult for me to run a full marathon.
When it's tough and I run out of my breath, it means there's something wrong with my pacing. For me, this pacing makes the sport difficult and fun at the same time.
I push to my limits in pacing - it's fun, I'm telling you. Apps help me measure my heart rate and pace.
― You call it fun?!
Oh, yes, it is.
A marathon depends a lot on your physical fitness.
What I do as soon as I'm accepted to a full marathon race is to draft my pacing plan by looking at elevation profiles.
So I start running nonchalantly. About 5 km from the start, the temptation comes in. That's when you are tempted to race away, thinking, oh, I feel like I can run fast today, why not do it? It is fun to run faster. You know, you can pass other runners. But, if you run faster there, you'll be eventually run out of your breath during the latter half - I would say around 35 km - that's when it becomes tough. I would call that a failure.
Though I hate to admit it, I do that about a half of all marathon races I join. Mistakes in pacing.
If I can control it any way I like, everything becomes fun.
― How often do you join full marathon races?
About twice a year. I go to races in and out of Japan. I take vacations for that.
― Isn't that something! My physical education grades were two out of five. It's a mystery to me. What keeps you running? What makes you, Toru-san run?
You think so? For me, running a marathon is what I do at my leisure. It's fun.
You see, golfers carve out their precious time to go to somewhere far to play golf. All the year round, getting up early. I think we do things for the same reason, because it's fun.
― That makes sense! (Giving Toru an admiring look). So, what kind of training do you do on a daily basis?
I use my smartphone Apps which suggest some training menu to me. It tells me things like today, run this much at this pace. These are training menus that are good for me. So I follow what my App says.
I do this about three times a week. On weekdays, I stop by at a gym to run after work. During weekends, I run around my place. After that, I go back to my place to do workout.
Word-of-mouth story about Médecins Sans Frontières, told by his colleague
Here is the Toru's running style. ©Toru Furukawa
― Now, would you tell me about how you came about joining our crowd-funding initiative as a MSF runner for the Tokyo Marathon 2020 Charity?
A colleague of mine sitting next to me told me about Médecins Sans Frontières. My company has this social good initiative called "#Twitter For Good" by its employees. That colleague of mine happened to be one of your school caravan (MSF's lessons on demand mainly for elementary schoolers) volunteers. The same colleague told me Médecins Sans Frontières was selected as a Tokyo Marathon 2020 Charity recipient organization.
― That's why you joined our crowd-funding initiative as a MSF runner! You know, I noticed that you have a very unique account icon - a QR code with your face right in the middle - what is your story behind this? What does that QR code mean?
Because of my job, I have an eye for the flow of people and information. I was thinking, if I were accepted then I'd like to get more people's attention or prompt them to make a donation.
That's why I decided to put a QR code on my icon in the crowd-funding site. That way, any visitor who reached the charity sheet can go to my Twitter account. I built a flow from the charity sheet to the Twitter page. My second thought was, why not add the other way round? So, I made a "MSF quiz" and "MSF Expert Test".
These interactive flows allow people to know more about MSF and donate to you. It works for those who know MSF only by its name.
― Awesome! You created a quiz that MSF staff found it irresistible. Toru, did you know what MSF does from many years ago?
Actually no. At the beginning your name came up during some conversations and that was just about all I knew. The idea first came to my head when I was preparing my crowd-funding page. Then I checked things up for the first time.
I find it most intriguing that many kinds of professionals work with MSF.
The result counts more than anything when it comes to work. You see? Having said that, there is no way you can do your job without working with others including other departments or companies. You finish a project with a strong impact only by working with others. I went through that a lot at work, which made MSF strangely familiar to me when I found out that MSF works closely with partners in and out of the organization, no matter what.
― What a nice compliment about the way you see us. You are right. Bringing together thoughts and power from people in and out of the organisation. That's what MSF is all about. Now, what are you planning to do before the race?
Let me think … I'd like to post some demonstrations of games and quizzes on my Twitter account. Musicians write a piece of music and post it, right? Since I'm an engineer, [I'd like to post some demo].
Oh yes, one more thing - I have to train myself properly to complete that whole race!
― Thank you so much for joining us. We are counting on you. The idea is to "run, join the charity and have fun at the same time," isn't it? Have fun and good luck!
The Tokyo Marathon 2020 will be held on Sunday, March 1, 2020.
We are no longer soliciting for charity runners for the Tokyo Marathon 2020, but we will be accepting donations until 5:00 pm March 31, 2020. Please offer your support to the MSF charity runners who are running to help patients in conflict zones!
Support MSF and @ToruRunsForGood
(Redirects you to the Tokyo Marathon 2020 Charity official website)
Please have a look on @ToruRunsForGood, support and share #ToruRunsForGood
Respect for MSF #OneTeam
Thank you very much for reading this issue of the MSFJ Marathon Club 2020 e-mail magazine until the end. Please feel free to share with us your feedback. Your generous comments are always more than welcome.

Médecins Sans Frontières Japon / Doctors Without Borders Japan is a recipient organisation of Tokyo Marathon 2020 Charity program.
Tokyo Marathon 2020 Charity official website:

本メールマガジンの配信停止は charity@tokyo.msf.org へご連絡ください。
発行:特定非営利活動法人 国境なき医師団日本
発行元所在地:〒162-0045 東京都新宿区馬場下町1-1 FORECAST早稲田FIRST 3階
Copyright MSF Japan