
Dear colleague,

I hope this email finds you well.

We are glad to share with you the 2020 End of Assignment survey global report.

The intent of this movement-wide survey has been since the beginning to collect perceptions on MSF as an employer from all internationally mobile staff upon return from their last assignments (6,959 were contacted in 2020, all will receive the link to the report). In this issue of the annual report, we continue to relay their own voices and feedback on various key moments. These moments and topics range from pre-departure preparation, to support from management while in the field, behavioral issues, security perception, health check and post-return psychosocial support etc… It’s worth noting that with 2,253 respondents, we’ve seen a decrease of approximately 10% of the response rate : 32.4% in 2020 compared to 43.5% in 2019. Covid-19 pandemic related impacts on staff appear in the open comments of respondents, in the early-returns section in particular.

In the coming days, we’ll also send a subset report to each international contracting office with feedback from their respective internationally mobile staff. Once again, our goal is to trigger open discussions on the basis of the survey results . Each office will be able to access their year-on-year trends and discuss measures to apply. Lastly, we are currently having discussions with other stakeholders on a new proposal of survey with locally hired staff, a concept which we hope to be able to share soon. We’ve done this report with lot of passion and energy, your feedback is as always much appreciated.

Best regards from the FHR team in charge of the survey,

Julia Yu, Michael Bontyes, Matthew Young, Nao Muramoto, Gaspard Chouraqui, Karine Kobayashi, Hubert Ormieres

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