
This email is sent to Charity Runners who donated to Médecins Sans Frontières Japan /Doctors Without Borders Japan through Tokyo Marathon 2019 Charity program.
English version is below.


1. 耳たぶ・肩・腰・かかとが一直線になるのが良い姿勢
2. 着地は足の裏全体で
3. 一分間に180歩が目安
4. アームスイングはコンパクトに

【日時】 2019年1月14日(月・祝日)
【テーマ】 マラソンに向けたインターバルトレーニング
【場所】 国境なき医師団日本事務局  東京メトロ東西線 早稲田駅より徒歩一分
【人数】 20名(先着順とさせていただきます)
【料金】 国境なき医師団のチャリティランナー1,000円/一般2,000円
【講師】 TREAT 矢田 大コーチ、矢田 夕子コーチ(コーチのプロフィールはこちら
【申し込み方法】 charity@tokyo.msf.org までEメールにてご連絡ください。

・毎週水曜日 19:00~ 皇居周辺グループラン
Twitter: https://twitter.com/msfjmarathon
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/msfjmarathon/
・1月14日(月・祝日) 10:00~12:00 トレーニング講座第2回
・2月16日(土) 10:00~12:00 トレーニング講座第3回
・2月23日(土) 13:00~15:00 寄付先事業についてトークセッション



「国境なき医師団マラソン部」 部長兼マネージャー

English version starts from here
Hello again, and welcome to the third edition of MSF Japan's "Marathon Club" email.
December is traditionally called "Shiwasu" in Japan. It literally means "the month which teachers also run", expressing the busyness of the end-of-year season. Yes, December is a busy month, but there are only three months left until the race day! Please keeping practicing while enjoying the busyness of the season.

【Event information】
We organised the first training session by Coach Yada from TREAT on the 24th November.
There were 6 participants learnt the ideal forms of stretching and running, and enjoyed a few kilometres run from MSF Japan office.
Tips from the training:
1. Good posture is that earlobe, shoulder, waist, and heel are in a straight line
2. Landing of the entire sole of the foot
3. Estimated 180 steps per minute
4. Arm swing should be compact

The next session will be on the 14th January!
【date】14/January/2019(Mon. public holiday in Japan)
【topic】interval training for marathon
【venue】MSF Japan office (Access: 1min. from Tokyo Metro Waseda station)
【capacity】20ppl.(first come, first served)
【fee】MSF charity runner \1.000/others \2.000
【trainer】Mr. and Ms. YADA from TREAT
NASM-PES (Performance Enhancement Specialist, certified by National Academy of Sport Medicine), Certified acupuncturist
【booking】please email to charity@tokyo.msf.org

【and more events are coming!】
MSFJ Marathon Club will continuously organise events in 2019 until the race day!
If you are in Tokyo by any chance on these days, please join us!
・Every Wednesday 19:00~ Group run around the imperial palace
※for detail, please contact us by MSFJ Marathon Club SNS accounts at:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/msfjmarathon
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/msfjmarathon/
・14th January (Mon. / Public Holiday) 10:00~12:00 Training Session #2
※for detail, please check here
・16th February (Sat.) 10:00~12:00 Training Session #3
※details to be informed. Stay tuned!!
・23rd February (Sat.) 13:00~15:00 Talking session about the recipient programs
Jointly organised with Japan for UNHCR, we will introduce our recipient programs from your donation through the Tokyo Marathon 2019 Charity.
From MSF Japan, Nurse Yuko Shirakawa who recently published her first writing "A nurse in conflict zones" will be on stage. Details will be informed in the next edition of this email news.
And if you have any requests about our events, please feel free to let us know!

【thanks for your cooperation】
Thank you very much for giving your opinions in the survey, which we sent you on the 3rd December, about the preparation of our courtesy program on the race day.
We are going to prepare the program accordingly, and will inform you on this email news as well once it is confirmed!

【DYK?: You can raise your donation until 31st March】
The donations on the Tokyo Marathon 2019 Charity can be accepted until 17:00 on the 31st March 2019 through the crowdfounding system on your page.
If there are some extra budget from the year-end shopping and parties, why don't we share a little happiness with patients in conflict zones?

Thank you for reading!
If you have any questions or comments about this email or MSF in general, please let us know, and tell us how your training is going!
MSF Japan Tokyo Marathon Club organiser

■ Médecins Sans Frontières Japan/Doctors Without Borders Japan is a recipient organisation of Tokyo Marathon 2019 Charity program.
Tokyo Marathon 2019 Charity official website: http://www.marathon.tokyo/en/charity/

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本メールマガジンの配信停止は charity@tokyo.msf.org へご連絡ください。
発行:特定非営利活動法人 国境なき医師団日本
発行元所在地:〒162-0045 東京都新宿区馬場下町1-1 FORECAST早稲田FIRST 3階
Copyright MSF Japan