
This email is sent to Charity Runners who donated to Médecins Sans Frontières Japan /Doctors Without Borders Japan through Tokyo Marathon 2019 Charity program.
English version is below.


【イベントのご案内① 初挑戦を応援!トレーニング講座(全4回)】
【日時】第一回 11月24日(土)
【場所】国境なき医師団日本事務局(東京メトロ東西線 早稲田駅より徒歩一分)
【講師】TREAT 矢田 大コーチ、矢田 夕子コーチ(コーチのプロフィールはこちら
【申し込み方法】charity@tokyo.msf.org までEメールにてご連絡ください。

【イベントのご案内② 練習会@アシックスラン東京丸の内】
〒100-0005 東京都千代田区丸の内2-5-2 三菱ビル地下1階
【講師】アシックスジャパン株式会社 アシックスクラブコーチ
小谷 浩コーチ プロフィールはこちら
【申込み方法】charity@tokyo.msf.org までEメールにてご連絡ください。(11/23締切)


メールマガジン第2号をお読みいただき、ありがとうございました!明日10月27日は、いよいよ東京マラソン財団オフィシャルイベント「東京トライアルハーフマラソン2018」ですね。ご参加される方、準備は万端でしょうか?国境なき医師団のスタッフも、Run with Heartブースより皆さまをアツく応援しています。ぜひぜひ、ブースにもお立ち寄りくださいね! 明日はご参加されない皆さまも、秋空の下のランを楽しんでいきましょう!
「国境なき医師団マラソン部」 部長兼マネージャー

English version starts from here
Hello again, and welcome to the second edition of MSF Japan's "Marathon Club" email.
I'm writing to you from Gaza, where I've been on mission with MSF since last month. MSF has been working here since 1989, but earlier this year our staff and clinics saw a huge increase in patients injured by gunshots sustained during the "Great March of Return" demonstrations.
MSF now runs six clinics in Gaza that provide care for burns and trauma patients. But the number of people that have arrived since April with gunshot wounds to the lower limbs has been unprecedented and meant we had to increase our amount of support.
In the first three weeks of April we treated more patients than the whole of 2014. Providing continuous postoperative care for those people who are severely injured is a renewed priority and more than 250 staff have been making every effort to help patients with rehabilitation and the chance to walk again…

【Event information】
Do you need any advice from professionals?
To support first-time full marathon challengers, we will hold two kinds of training/running event as below. If you want to check again your training style, experienced are also welcome!
For everyone at remoted place, we will not leave you behind; please check the summary in the next e-news. Let's get ready for breaking the tape at the finish line together!
1. Monthly Training Course - first session
*from Nov.2018 to Feb.2019, one session each month to be arranged.
【topic】Get tips on running form and let's run!
【venue】MSF Japan office (Access: 1min. from Tokyo Metro Waseda station)
【capacity】20ppl.(first come, first served)
【fee】MSF charity runner \1.000/others \2.000
【trainer】Mr. and Ms. YADA from TREAT
NASM-PES (Performance Enhancement Specialist, certified by National Academy of Sport Medicine), Certified acupuncturist
【booking】please email to charity@tokyo.msf.org 

2. Practice meeting @ASICS RUN TOKYO MARUOUCHI
【contents】-Lecture about; advice on race course; training tips
-Practice; stretching; running form
-Running around the Imperial Palace (5km with slow pace)
【capacity】20ppl.(first come, first served)
【fee】\1.404 *will be paid to ASICS RUN TOKYO MARUNOUCHI (\540 /membership, \864/facility usage)
【trainer】Mr. Hiroshi KOTANI, ASICS Japan co., ltd. ASICS CLUB coach
【booking】please email to charity@tokyo.msf.org by 23.Nov.2018.
*this event will be jointly held with Japan for UNHCR.

We are planning to arrange more practice sessions and a kick-off party in 2019. Don't miss the announcements in later editions of this email.

【Are you prepared?】
In case your travel plans are not yet set, I encourage you to make them soon. The nearest train stations for the start and finish are below, so you can use these station names for your booking.
And, don't forget to book through https://www.booking.com/supportmsf/.
- Start point: Tokyo Metropolitan Government building
Nearest station: JR lines - Shinjuku station, Metro - Tochomae station
- Finish line: In front of the Imperial palace
Nearest station: JR lines - Tokyo station, Merto - Otemachi station, Hibiya station
You can find the marathon course map on:
Thank you for reading!
If you have any questions or comments about this email or MSF in general, please let us know, and tell us how your training is going!
MSF Japan Tokyo Marathon Club organiser

■ Médecins Sans Frontières Japan/Doctors Without Borders Japan is a recipient organisation of Tokyo Marathon 2019 Charity program.
Tokyo Marathon 2019 Charity official website: http://www.marathon.tokyo/en/charity/

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本メールマガジンの配信停止は charity@tokyo.msf.org へご連絡ください。
発行:特定非営利活動法人 国境なき医師団日本
発行元所在地:〒162-0045 東京都新宿区馬場下町1-1 FORECAST早稲田FIRST 3階
Copyright MSF Japan