
This email is sent to Charity Runners who donated to Médecins Sans Frontières Japan /Doctors Without Borders Japan through Tokyo Marathon 2019 Charity program.
English version is here.




「国境なき医師団マラソン部」 部長兼マネージャー

English version starts from here
Hello and welcome to the first edition of MSF Japan's "Tokyo Marathon Club" email.
From now until the race on March 3rd we'd like to send you regular newsletters with the latest news from MSF and information that will help you prepare for the big race.
We are extremely grateful that you chose to run for MSF at the Tokyo Marathon 2019. Every step you will take over the 26.2 miles course will be contributing to help people around the world take their own steps to recover from conflict.
MSF treats thousands of patients each year who need surgical care to overcome injuries sustained in from war and conflict, like those at the Baghdad Medical Recovery Centre in Iraq who are having to learn to walk again…

【Be prepared!!】
If you haven't booked your accommodation in Tokyo yet, don't delay. Hotels near the start and finish areas will fill up quickly. For your reference, the nearest train stations for the start and finish are below, so you can use these station names for your booking. And, don't forget to book through https://www.booking.com/supportmsf/.
- Start point: Tokyo Metropolitan Government building
Nearest station: JR lines - Shinjuku station, Metro - Tochomae station
- Finish line: In front of the Imperial palace
Nearest station: JR lines - Tokyo station, Merto - Otemachi station, Hibiya station
You can find the marathon course map on:
If you have any questions or comments about this email or MSF in general, please let us know , and tell us how your training is going!
MSF Japan Tokyo Marathon Club organiser

■ Médecins Sans Frontières Japan/Doctors Without Borders Japan is a recipient organisation of Tokyo Marathon 2019 Charity program.
Tokyo Marathon 2019 Charity official website: http://www.marathon.tokyo/en/charity/

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本メールマガジンの配信停止は charity@tokyo.msf.org へご連絡ください。
発行:特定非営利活動法人 国境なき医師団日本
発行元所在地:〒162-0045 東京都新宿区馬場下町1-1 FORECAST早稲田FIRST 3階
Copyright MSF Japan