Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to share with you the results of the 2017 International End of Mission (EOM) survey.
We would like to reiterate how important this survey is to the MSF movement. The results are scrutinized at the highest levels of MSF in order to understand how you think and feel about your work in the field including topics relating to preparation, working conditions, management, security etc.
Together with other sources of information (such as debriefings, coordo weeks, etc) these results help the different HR departments to work on the issues raised (Duty of Care, career management, workforce planning, etc). For example, the data feed the reflection on IRP2 and its review and support analysis on retention.
Please do take a look at the 2017 survey results or just the 2 pages of "main highlights" to get an idea of what comes out.
The more people participate in the survey, the more meaningful it is. Whilst in 2016, we had a 33% respond rate, in 2017 it reached to 39%. We would like to thank you for your increasing contribution and strongly encourage you to keep participating to the survey in order to make the difference.
With all best wishes.
End of Mission Survey Team.
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